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Body Sock - Extra Large



Providing endless possibilities for movement, exploration, and play, these stretchy and snug body socks are designed to envelop the body, offering a cozy and stimulating sensory experience for children and adults alike.

Lycra Body Socks are made from high-quality, breathable Lycra fabric that provides a gentle, yet firm, pressure around the body. The stretchy material allows for full range of motion while providing a comforting and secure feeling. Slip into the body sock and instantly experience a world of proprioceptive input, deep pressure, and body awareness.

The body sock is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of therapeutic and recreational activities. It can help promote body awareness, balance, and coordination as individuals move, stretch, and explore within the sock. The gentle pressure of the fabric can provide a calming effect and enhance body proprioception, making it a valuable resource for individuals with sensory processing disorders, autism, ADHD, or those seeking a soothing sensory experience.

Children can delight in imaginative play, pretending to be a superhero, a cocooned caterpillar, or even a wriggling fish. 

Lycra Body Socks come in a range of sizes to accommodate different body types and ages. The elasticized openings ensure a snug fit while allowing for easy entry and exit. The socks are machine washable, making them convenient to clean after use.

Body Sock X Large

Size - 74 x 160cm (suitable for individuals up to 170cms tall)

Adult supervision recommended


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Step 1

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Step 4

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Step 5

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Step 6

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